

The 12 Steps

Understanding the Seventh Step of the AA Big Book

The Seventh Step

The Seventh Step of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) reads: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."

What Does the Seventh Step Involve?

The Seventh Step is about humility and surrender. After becoming entirely ready in Step Six to let go of our defects of character, Step Seven involves actively asking a Higher Power to remove these shortcomings. This step emphasizes a spiritual transformation through humility and the acknowledgment that we cannot rid ourselves of these defects by our own power.

Importance of the Seventh Step

This step is crucial for deepening one's spiritual connection and fostering personal growth. It represents a shift from self-reliance to a reliance on a Higher Power, emphasizing the necessity of humility in the recovery process. By asking for our shortcomings to be removed, we demonstrate our willingness to let go of the negative traits that have hindered our recovery and personal development.

How to Approach the Seventh Step

Embracing Humility

Humility is a central theme in the Seventh Step. It requires us to recognize our limitations and accept that we need help from a Higher Power to overcome our defects. Humility in this context is not about feeling lowly or inferior but about understanding our true place in the world and our relationship with a Higher Power.

Making a Humble Request

The act of asking a Higher Power to remove our shortcomings is both an acknowledgment of our own limitations and an act of trust. This request should be made sincerely and with a genuine desire for change, reflecting a commitment to spiritual growth and a willingness to be guided by something greater than ourselves.

The Process of the Seventh Step

Practicing Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and meditation are vital practices in the Seventh Step. Through prayer, we make our humble request to our Higher Power, asking for the removal of our shortcomings. Meditation allows us to listen for guidance and to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection, fostering a sense of peace and acceptance.

Continuing Self-Examination

While the Seventh Step involves asking for our defects to be removed, it also requires ongoing self-examination. We must remain vigilant about our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, recognizing when our shortcomings resurface and continually seeking to address them through humility and spiritual growth.

Benefits of the Seventh Step

Spiritual Growth and Transformation

By practicing the Seventh Step, individuals often experience significant spiritual growth. As we let go of our defects and open ourselves to the guidance of a Higher Power, we become more aligned with our spiritual principles, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Building a Foundation of Humility

The Seventh Step helps to build a strong foundation of humility, which is essential for continued recovery. This humility allows us to remain open to change and to approach life with a sense of gratitude and acceptance, rather than resistance or pride.

Improved Relationships

As we let go of our shortcomings and develop a more humble and spiritually grounded approach to life, our relationships often improve. We become more compassionate, understanding, and willing to listen to others, fostering healthier and more supportive connections.

Challenges of the Seventh Step

Fear of Change

One challenge of the Seventh Step is the fear of change. Even though we may recognize the harm caused by our shortcomings, we might still fear what life will be like without them. It is important to remember that this step is about positive change and growth, not loss.

Reluctance to Let Go

Some individuals may struggle with a reluctance to let go of certain defects, especially if they have been deeply ingrained or associated with a sense of identity. The Seventh Step encourages us to trust in the process and be willing to let go, believing that our Higher Power will guide us to a better way of living.

Maintaining Consistency in Practice

Consistency can be a challenge in the Seventh Step, especially when it comes to maintaining a regular practice of prayer and meditation. It is important to remain committed to these practices, as they are essential for staying connected to our Higher Power and for ongoing spiritual growth.

Practical Tips for Completing the Seventh Step

Stay Open and Honest

Honesty is crucial in the Seventh Step. Be open with yourself and your Higher Power about your shortcomings and your desire for them to be removed. This honesty will help you stay connected to the process and foster a deeper sense of humility and trust.

Seek Support from a Sponsor or Group

Having support from a sponsor or a recovery group can be invaluable during the Seventh Step. These individuals can offer guidance, encouragement, and accountability, helping you stay focused on your recovery journey and your commitment to spiritual growth.

Practice Patience and Persistence

Change does not happen overnight. The Seventh Step is an ongoing process that requires patience and persistence. Stay committed to your spiritual practices and remain open to the guidance of your Higher Power, trusting that the process will lead to continued growth and transformation.


The Seventh Step of AA is a profound and transformative step that emphasizes humility, spiritual growth, and a willingness to let go of our shortcomings. By humbly asking a Higher Power to remove our defects, we open ourselves to a life of greater peace, fulfillment, and purpose. This step is not just about overcoming our flaws but about embracing a new way of living, grounded in spiritual principles and a deeper connection with our Higher Power. Through the practice of the Seventh Step, we can experience significant personal growth, improved relationships, and a stronger sense of spiritual fulfillment.
